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Activities in Estepona

Gibraltar Shopping Tour

Spend a full day in retail therapy heaven on this shopping tour of Gibraltar from Estepona. Treat yourself at the duty-free shops!

Spend a full day in retail therapy heaven on this shopping tour of Gibraltar from Estepona. Treat yourself at the duty-free shops!

Gibraltar Shopping Tour

On the morning of your tour, you'll be picked up from Estepona and set off in the direction of the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. The Rock, as it is also known, is located just an hour's drive away.

Having arrived in Gibraltar, you'll have the full day free to explore the duty-free shops and the sights at your own pace. The heart of the Rock's commercial centre is Main Street, where you'll find any number of jewellery shops, fashion boutiques, perfumeries, electrical stores... anything you could possibly want to buy! Make sure to leave room in your suitcase!

You can also use your free time to enjoy a pint of beer and a typical British meal of fish and chips in one of the local pubs. We also recommend checking out some of Gibraltar's emblematic landmarks, like St Michael's Cave and the nature reserve home to Barbary macaques, a species of monkey.

At the end of the day, you'll be dropped back off in Estepona.


  • Please remember to bring your passport or national ID card on this tour, as you will be entering British Territory and may be asked to prove your identity.
  • This tour may make a number of stops along the Costa del Sol to pick other people up on the route.
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11 hours.

Language The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English and other languages.

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English and other languages.


Transport by air conditioned coach

English speaking tour escort

Not included


Entrance to museums and monuments visited during free time

When to book?

You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


All services published on Civitatis are carried out in accordance with our Sustainability Code.

Sustainability Code

Our providers commit to:

  • Provide a safe and satisfying experience.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Incorporate eco-conscious technologies.
  • Uphold fair employment standards.
  • Foster the growth of local communities.
  • Preserve the integrity of local culture.
  • Safeguard both cultural and environmental heritage.
  • Ensure ethical treatment of animals.
  • Operate with honesty and transparency.
  • Encourage sustainable behaviors among customers and staff.

This particular activity contributes as follows:

  • No printing of documentation required.


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Frequently asked questions

  • Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

    A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

  • Q - How to book?

    A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Meeting point

Avenida Litoral, 4

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