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Activities in San Juan

San Juan Speedboat Tour: You Drive!

Sail the waters of Puerto Rico on a speedboat around the bay and the San Juan coast. Feel the thrill of taking on the waves at speed!

Sail the waters of Puerto Rico on a speedboat around the bay and the San Juan coast. Feel the thrill of taking on the waves at speed!

San Juan Speedboat Tour

At the chosen time the tour meets at 482 Avenida Manual Fernández Juncos in San Juan. And with everyone ready, you'll be given the instructions needed to drive the speedboat, and you'll be let loose! You're the captain today!

On board, your guide, driving their own boat, will guide us around the waters of San Juan, splashing through the waves towards the historic centre. From the water you'll make it to the San Cristóbal Fort, the largest one built by the Spanish conquistadors in the whole of the American continent. And we'll zoom (or crawl if you want to take a good look!) past the San Juan dock and the San Felipe del Morro Fort, the most famous in Puerto Rico.

Next it's through the shopping district of Hato Rey, sailing through the mangroves. Here, with a little bit of luck you'll be able to see iguanas, birds, and other local species, sure to enchant!

After an hour and a half of adrenaline and history, the experience finishes back at the start point. 

Who Can Take Part?

  • The minimum age to take part in the activity as a passenger is 4 years old, and 18 to drive the boat, as long as you have the relevant license.
  • The maximum weight per boat may not exceed 270 kg.

The Boat

Each boat has a maximum capacity of three, a driver and two passengers. You can take turns at driving if you're over 18 and have the relevant license.

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More Information


1 hour 30 minutes.

Language The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English and Spanish.

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English and Spanish.


Speedboat rental.

English speaking guide.

Life jackets.

2 drinks.

When to book?

You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


All services published on Civitatis are carried out in accordance with our Sustainability Code.

Sustainability Code

Our providers commit to:

  • Provide a safe and satisfying experience.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Incorporate eco-conscious technologies.
  • Uphold fair employment standards.
  • Foster the growth of local communities.
  • Preserve the integrity of local culture.
  • Safeguard both cultural and environmental heritage.
  • Ensure ethical treatment of animals.
  • Operate with honesty and transparency.
  • Encourage sustainable behaviors among customers and staff.

This particular activity contributes as follows:

  • No printing of documentation required.
  • Has a gender equality policy.


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  • East Island Excursions

    Corporate name: East Island Excursions Inc.

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Not permitted.

Frequently asked questions

  • Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

    A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

  • Q - How to book?

    A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

  • Q - Is a minimum number of participants required?

    A - This activity requires a minimum of 2 participants. Should this number not be reached, we'll get in touch with you to offer alternatives.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Meeting point

482, Av. Manuel Fernández Juncos.

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