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Activities in Orlando

Museum of Illusions Orlando Ticket

  • 40 reviews | 1,636 travellers
    This is a perfect place to have fun with your family and friends.
    10 Jafe

Tricks, illusions, magic and much more await you at the Museum of Illusions in Orlando. But remember, nothing is what it seems!

Tricks, illusions, magic and much more await you at the Museum of Illusions in Orlando. But remember, nothing is what it seems!

Museum of Illusions Orlando Ticket

If you enjoy magic tricks, illusionism and testing your observation skills, the Orlando Museum of Illusions is the perfect place for you. 

By purchasing this ticket you'll have access to more than 50 exhibits that seemingly break all the rules of logic -both adults and children will be completely amazed.

Impossible illusions, "anti-gravity" rooms, size reductions... Your camera roll will be filled with so many funny and quirky pictures.

What's more, the museum has an exhibition that sheds some light on some of the most iconic tricks of illusionism. After your visit, you won't be able to see some tricks the same way!

Opening Hours

The Museum of Illusions Orlando is open during the following times:

  • Sunday to Thursday: from 12 pm to 8 pm
  • Friday and Saturday: from 12 pm a 9 pm


From May 28 to August 15, the museum is open Monday to Sunday from 10 am to 10 pm.

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Admission ticket to the Museum of Illusions Orlando

When to book?

You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Only some areas are accessible. Accessible toilets.


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Our providers commit to:

  • Provide a safe and satisfying experience.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
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  • Foster the growth of local communities.
  • Preserve the integrity of local culture.
  • Safeguard both cultural and environmental heritage.
  • Ensure ethical treatment of animals.
  • Operate with honesty and transparency.
  • Encourage sustainable behaviors among customers and staff.

This particular activity contributes as follows:

  • No printing of documentation required.


Museum Of Illusions Orlando Show more

  • Museum Of Illusions Orlando

    Corporate name: MOI Orlando LLC

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Not permitted.

Frequently asked questions

  • Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

    A - At Civitatis we only offer tickets at official prices, with transparency and exclusive advantages for our users. More information

  • Q - How to book?

    A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Meeting point

Museum of Illusions Orlando

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