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Activities in Ibiza Town

Boat Charter With Skipper

Sailing along the coast of Ibiza with your family and friends? What better way to explore the White Isle! Charter a private boat with skipper and sail the waters of the Mediterranean.

Sailing along the coast of Ibiza with your family and friends? What better way to explore the White Isle! Charter a private boat with skipper and sail the waters of the Mediterranean.

Boat Charter With Skipper in Ibiza Town

We'll meet you at the Ibiza Marina at the time of your choice. A boat will be waiting for you there to take you on a tranquil cruise along the coast of Ibiza. All you'll have to do is relax on deck, as a skipper will be in charge of the boat.

On this boat charter, you'll enjoy eight hours of sailing in the Mediterranean waters while you enjoy the beautiful scenery of the White Isle. You'll also be able to cool off with an open bar of beer, coca-cola and water on board, the ideal way to spend a day together with family or friends.

Depending on the route you want to take, you can visit some of the coves in the south of Ibiza, go as far as Es Vedrá, sail to the eastern area and the island of Tagomago, or cruise along the coast of Formentera. It's up to you! 

After an unforgettable eight-hour boat charter, we'll return to the port of Ibiza Town to disembark.

Fuel not included

Fuel, which isn't included in the rental price, varies according to petrol and diesel prices. It usually costs 220 (US$ 240) per day.

Please note that the petrol stations close at 7:30 pm, so you'll need to get to the port before that time.

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8 hours.


8 hour boat charter.



Private and exclusive tour, there will be no one else in the group.

Not included

Fuel: approximately 220 (US$ 240) per day.

When to book?

You can book up until 24 hours before the activity as long as there are still places. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


All services published on Civitatis are carried out in accordance with our Sustainability Code.

Sustainability Code

Our providers commit to:

  • Provide a safe and satisfying experience.
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle.
  • Incorporate eco-conscious technologies.
  • Uphold fair employment standards.
  • Foster the growth of local communities.
  • Preserve the integrity of local culture.
  • Safeguard both cultural and environmental heritage.
  • Ensure ethical treatment of animals.
  • Operate with honesty and transparency.
  • Encourage sustainable behaviors among customers and staff.

This particular activity contributes as follows:

  • No printing of documentation required.


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  • Irentboatibiza

    Corporate name: IRBI SC

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Frequently asked questions

  • Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

    A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

  • Q - How to book?

    A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Meeting point

Ibiza Marina.

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