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Transfers in New York

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  • P - How far ahead of time should I book my transfer?

    R -
    It is possible to book a private transfer service in New York with a minimum of 8 hours in advance
  • P - How long does the journey from the hotel to the airport take?

    R -

    We recommend booking the transfer service from the hotel to the airport 4 hours before your flight departure time for international departures and 3 hours for domestic flights.

    In New York City, children car seats are not mandatory in airport shuttle vehicles.

  • P - What pick up time should I choose?

    R -

    For transfers beginning at the airport, you should indicate the time at which your flight is due to arrive. The same goes for cruise ports and train stations: you should indicate the planned arrival time.
    For transfers from your hotel, you should indicate when you would like to be picked up. That doesn't mean the flight time, rather the time you would like to be collected. 
    For shared transfers, orders may be modified by the provider. Should this be the case, we will contact you to confirm the rearranged time.

  • P - How long will the driver wait for me?

    R -
    • Airports: 1 hour from the plane's arrival time.
    • Cruise ports: 30 minutes from the time indicated when making your reservation.
    • Tran stations: 15 minutes from the train's arrival time.
    • Hotels and apartments: 15 minutes from the time indicated when making your reservation.

    If for any reason you need more time, please ring the telephone number on your reservation. Should this be the case, supplements may apply.

  • P - Where will the driver be waiting for me?

    R -
    • Airports: the driver will wait in the arrivals hall, just after luggage pick up.
    • Ports: the driver will wait in the arrivals terminal.
    • Train stations: the driver will wait at the exit of the train's arrival platform.
    • Hotels and apartments: the driver will wait outside the building. If it's possible to park, the driver may wait at reception.

    The driver will always wait with a sign bearing your name.


  • P - Are the prices final? Are there any extra charges?

    R -

    Unlike our competitors, our prices are final, and include all fees, including tolls and tips. Some extra charges may apply if the destination is not as arranged, or if an extra stop must be taken on the way.

  • P - How many people can travel in the vehicle?

    R -

    The number of seats indicated for each vehicle is the maximum number of people who can travel, excluding the driver. All passengers, including small children no matter the age, count.
    If your group is large, you should reserve more than one vehicle.

  • P - How many suitcases can I take?

    R -

    During the reservations process you can see the amount of luggage that each vehicle allows. Each vehicle comes with indications as to its maximum capacity for large suitcases and hand luggage.
    The maximum dimensions per type of suitcase are:

    • Hand luggage: total length, height and width adding up to no more than 115 cm.
    • Large suitcase: total length, height and width adding up to no more than 155 cm.
  • P - Are child seats available?

    R -

    During the reservation process you'll see information regarding child seats. Depending on the regulations in each destination, these may be obligatory or optional, and they may be free or imply an additional cost. You will see this cost added before booking.

  • P - How can I find out my flight number?

    R -

    The flight number is comprised of 2 characters that represent the airline, and 4 numbers for the flight number. Some examples are IB3506, UX1254, or 5Z1826. You can find your flight number on the airline's confirmation email.

  • P - Do I have to let someone know if my flight, boat, or train is delayed?

    R -

    Flights, trains and boats are constantly monitored, so you don't have to worry about getting in touch with us. Should the delay be large, if it's impossible to reprogram the transfer as there are no vehicles available, we'll refund the full amount paid.

  • P - Why do I need a working mobile phone?

    R -

    A working mobile phone is needed so we can call you should there be any emergency, such as a breakdown, or simply if the driver can't find you.

  • P - Who is responsible for a missed flight?

    R -

    The transfer company is never responsible for a missed flight. The clients are those who must know what time the flight leaves, and book pick up far enough ahead of time.

  • P - Is it possible to make various stops?

    R -

    If you're staying in different hotels, or you need to make a stop to pick up keys, this service comes with supplemental charges. Once you have made your reservation, we'll send you an email with the amount. You can accept or cancel the service at no cost. You can pay online or in-destination.

  • P - Can I share the vehicle with other people?

    R -

    We offer both private and shared transfers. In the case of private services, the vehicle will be for you alone. For shared transfers, you will share the vehicle with other passengers.

  • P - Will the driver speak English?

    R -

    Although in the majority of countries, the drivers will speak several languages, we can't guarantee that the driver assigned to you will speak English. Nonetheless, it shouldn't be necessary to complete the transfer, as the driver will have all the necessary details.

  • P - Do you have transfers in other destinations?

    R -

    Yes, here you can see all the destinations where we offer airport transfers.

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Total price per vehicle

JFK Airport Hotel in Manhattan US$ 105
LaGuardia Airport Hotel in Manhattan US$ 87
Newark Airport Hotel in Manhattan US$ 131

Our customers' reviews

These are genuine reviews written by our customers.
Private Shared

5 out of 24,485 reviews


10 / 12 / 2024

María Jesús Pastor Cantarero

Malaga, Spain

Santiago era excelente, educado, atento y en contacto con nosotros en todo momento. Nada mas puedo decir cosas buenas tanto del trayecto, hablando con nosotros todo muy cómodo y llevadero. Y sobre Civitatis un 10 de 10, hemos realizado muchas cosas con vosotros, trayectos, excursiones y todo maravilloso. Enhorabuena. Translate this opinion into English.

Santiago was excellent, polite, attentive and in contact with us at all times. I can only say good things about the journey, talking to us was very comfortable and easy. And about Civitatis, a 10 out of 10, we have done many things with you, journeys, excursions and everything was wonderful. Congratulations. Opinion translated. Show original.

I travelled with friends

09 / 17 / 2024

Patrick Gail


Bonjour, je tenais à donner mon avis sur le transfert de Manhattan vers l'aéroport JFK. Cela s'est passé à merveille, le chauffeur était déjà là en avance et tout était prêt pour se rendre à l'aéroport. Pour mon prochain voyage, je ferai à nouveau appel à Civitatis, je n’ai aucune critique à formuler et je suis très content d'avoir opté pour leurs services. Translate this opinion into English.

Hello, I wanted to give my opinion on the transfer from Manhattan to JFK airport. It went wonderfully, the driver was already there early and everything was ready to go to the airport. For my next trip, I will use Civitatis again, I have no criticism to make and I am very happy to have opted for their services. Opinion translated. Show original.

I travelled with my partner

09 / 15 / 2024

Corinne Champetier


Le chauffeur nius avait bien explique le lieu de rendez-vous et était à l'heure. Le seul problème c'est que le transfert devait durer 1h, (infos Wase visibles), le chauffeur est sorti du trajet prévu et nous nous sommes retrouvé dans d'énormes bouchons, nous avons mis 1h40.... Translate this opinion into English.

The driver nius had explained the meeting place well and was on time. The only problem is that the transfer was supposed to last 1 hour, (Wase info visible), the driver went off the planned route and we found ourselves in huge traffic jams, it took us 1h40.... Opinion translated. Show original.

I travelled with teenagers

09 / 12 / 2024

Jose Antonio


El traslado excelente. El conductor puntual y además me informó con anterioridad a su llegada. Incluso me envió fotos de su vehículo y matricula para poder reconocerlo más fácilmente. El coche era muy amplio y muy limpio y ordenado y el traslado fue sin incidencias. Translate this opinion into English.

The transfer was excellent. The driver was punctual and he also informed me before his arrival. He even sent me photos of his vehicle and license plate so I could recognize it more easily. The car was very spacious and very clean and tidy and the transfer was without incident. Opinion translated. Show original.

I travelled with teenagers

09 / 11 / 2024


Ans, Belgium

Je deplore le supplément de 20 dollars demandé par le chauffeur pour temps d'attente supplémentaire (j'ai dû les payer sur place). De plus le point de rencontre était prévu au welcome center du terminal 4 mais suite à ses coups de téléphone il m'a fixé rendez-vous au parking D2 et dû me rendre à ce parking. Translate this opinion into English.

I regret the $20 supplement requested by the driver for additional waiting time (I had to pay them on the spot). In addition, the meeting point was planned at the welcome center of terminal 4 but following his phone calls he set me up at the D2 parking lot and had to go to this parking lot. Opinion translated. Show original.

5 out of 492 reviews


10 / 15 / 2019


Madrid, Spain

Al llegar a la terminal, no indica en ningún stand SUPERSHUTTLE, es un stand genérico de traslados de Manhattan, no está claro que sea ahí, poner un cartel no cuesta nada y nos evitaría perder el tiempo. Luego he esperado 25 minutos a que vinieran a por mi. Mejorable, sobre todo el tema de las indicaciones al llegar. Gracias.

I travelled by myself

10 / 14 / 2019

Jose Luis Morales Mora

Barcelona , Spain

Nada más salir de inmigración. Hay un mostrador gigante azul donde pregunte y después de unos 20 minutos me vinieron a buscar. Hablan español, así que ningún problema. Y de hecho este mensaje lo estoy escribiendo desde la furgoneta. Así que todo ok

I travelled by myself

10 / 03 / 2019


Girona, Spain

El traslado en sí muy rápido y el conductor muy correcto y eficiente! No obstante, tardamos mucho tiempo en averiguar cómo poder llamar al Shuttle. El Google Maps nos hizo cambiar de terminal para ir a "Super Shuttle" y no encontramos ningún mostrador suyo tampoco en aquella terminal al respecto. Hasta que un hombre muy agradable nos dijo que llamáramos en unos teléfonos que había por allí en la terminal y marcamos el número que nos dijo (coincidia con el que nos informo Civitatis).

I travelled with my partner

09 / 28 / 2019


Gijon, Spain

Al aterrizar, tienes que ir a un monstrador y ponerte en contacto telefónico con la empresa que tras una espera larga te recogen, posteriormente recogen a 6 personas más en otras terminales. Llegando al destino 1,5 horas tras aterrizar. Una buena idea pero mal ejecutada.

I travelled by myself

09 / 10 / 2019

Aran Jesus

Las Palmas Gc, Spain

Me pidieron el voucher en papel y se los mostré en soporte informático, lo cual parece que no los convenció. Para la vuelta al aeropuerto me han dicho que lo lleve impreso. Creo que en el siglo que vivimos y con la tecnología que tenemos el papel muchas veces queda obsoleto.

I travelled with my partner

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