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Activities in Seville

Benito Villamarín Stadium Tour

  • 17 reviews | 226 travellers
    The hair stood on end, the girl who was explaining the facilities to us was very kind and friendly, we loved everything now I need to go to a soccer game
    10 Ana Milagros

If you want to soak up the Real Betis spirit, you can't miss this tour of the Benito Villamarín, Real Betis Balompié's stadium. Visit this football icon in the city of Seville!

If you want to soak up the Real Betis spirit, you can't miss this tour of the Benito Villamarín, Real Betis Balompié's stadium. Visit this football icon in the city of Seville!

History of Benito Villamarín Stadium

Located in the Heliópolis neighbourhood of Seville, the Benito Villamarín is the biggest stadium in Andalusia and the 4th biggest in Spain. It has a capacity for 60,721 spectators!

The Real Betis Balompié Stadium was inaugurated in 1929, and since 1961, it has been owned by the club. This football ground not only hosts the home matches of the Sevillian team but has also witnessed great international matches. In fact, it was one of the venues of the 1982 World Cup in Spain.

On 21st December 1983, the Benito Villamarín was also the venue for the iconic Spain 12-Malta 1, a qualifier for the 1984 European Championship that was a milestone in the history of the Spanish national team.

What to See in the Real Betis Balompié Stadium?

The tour of the Benito Villamarín starts at Gate 2 of the stadium, where we'll meet at the indicated time.

During the tour, we'll visit important places such as the trophy room. Here we'll see the titles won by Real Betis Balompié, including the 1935 La Liga First; the 1977, 2005 and 2022 Copa del Rey​; and the 2005 Supercopa de España. We'll also have access to an interactive area that will allow us to enjoy the "verdiblanco" feeling.

The tour of the Benito Villamarín will continue in the dressing room, where we'll learn anecdotes about the legends of the club, such as Rafa Gordillo or Joaquín Sánchez. We'll also go through the tunnel and, of course, see the pitch, where you'll be able to see the grass next to the bench area.

The tour will then continue through the press room, the anteroom and the 1977 "puerta de campeones". Of course, you'll also have time to take a souvenir photo!

Finally, we'll conclude this 1-hour tour at the meeting point.


The tour is not available when there are matches in the stadium or when other events take place.

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1 hour.

Language The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English, although it may occasionally be done in two languages.

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English, although it may occasionally be done in two languages.


Admission to Benito Villamarín Stadium

English–speaking guide

When to book?

You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Wheelchair accessible.


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  • No printing of documentation required.


Real Betis Balompié Show more

  • Real Betis Balompié

    Corporate name: Real Betis Balompié, S.A.D

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Not permitted.

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    A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

  • Q - How to book?

    A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

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Meeting point

Benito Villamarín Stadium

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