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Activities in Thessaloniki

Meteora Monasteries Excursion

Do you want to discover the most famous monasteries in Greece? We'll discover the rich history of these holy places, which have been declared World Heritage Sites, on this unforgettable day trip to Meteora by bus from Thessaloniki

Do you want to discover the most famous monasteries in Greece? We'll discover the rich history of these holy places, which have been declared World Heritage Sites, on this unforgettable day trip to Meteora by bus from Thessaloniki


At the scheduled time, we'll meet below the statue of Eleftherios Venizelos, and from there, we'll depart onboard a bus. 

After a journey of around 3 hours, on which we'll make a short stop halfway through to grab a coffee, we'll arrive at this spectacular location which boasts the Meteora Monasteries. These monasteries which are suspended above the rocks will capture our attention from the very second we see them.

Throughout the tour of this unique location in Greece's interior, we'll admire the outside of the 6 main monasteries in Meteora. The Monastery of Saint Stephen is famous for its sacred works carved into wood, while the Monastery of the Holy Trinity boasts 140 steep steps that climb up the rock.

Another of the most famous ones is Rousanou, which houses an impressive scene of the martyrdom of the saints, and the Varlaam Monastery, which contains some impressive frescoes from the 16th century. And lastly, the 14th-century monastery of the Great Meteoro and the monastery of St. Nicholas, whose frescoes are the work of the famous painter Theophanes of Crete.

During the tour, we'll also visit the inside of 2 of the monasteries, which will vary depending on the day we take the tour. After the tour of Meteora, we'll make our way through the towns of Kalambaka and Kastraki. In the latter, we'll stop at a local restaurant, where you'll be able to grab a bite to eat.

After eating, we'll begin our return journey back to the meeting point in Thessaloniki, where we'll bring this excursion to an end after 11 hours together.

What Monasteries Will We Visit?

Of the 6 monasteries in Meteora that we'll see the exterior of, we'll visit the inside of 2, which will vary depending on the day of the trip:

  • MondayVarlaam and Rousanou
  • WednesdaySan Esteban and Varlaam
  • Thursday and Friday: Rousanou and San Esteban
  • Saturday and SundaySan Esteban and Varlaam

Please note that, due to various reasons, the 2 monasteries we'll visit on the above-mentioned days may vary from the planned programme. In any case, regardless of the day you take the tour, you're guaranteed to visit 2 monasteries in Meteora.

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11 hours.

Language The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English.

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English.


Transport by coach

English–speaking guide

Not included

Food and drinks

Admission tickets: 3 (US$ 3.20) per person for each monastery

When to book?

You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


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  • Preserve the integrity of local culture.
  • Safeguard both cultural and environmental heritage.
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  • Encourage sustainable behaviors among customers and staff.

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  • No printing of documentation required.


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  • Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

    A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

  • Q - How to book?

    A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Meeting point

Eleftherios Venizelos Statue

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